
Nobody Nobody But You.

Koreana's _______ . RM20. I forgot the name of this, but on the plus side I know its noodles, with beef slices and vegetables. Sorry if that doesn't help much, but hey ho nothing else looks like this on the menu :) The noodles were chewy, reminds me of tang hoon. Very stubborn tang hoon. Heh.

Koreana's Bi Bim Bup. RM20. Huge ass portion. Do not even attempt finishing this on your own if you're a lass/lad with a wee apetite. I think everyone orders this when they dine at Koreana no? Try something out of the box instead, like their cold noodles in soup. Cross my heart, this isn't a joke.
If I could I would sing "Nobody, nobody but YOU" to kimchi anytime.
Banchan, unbeknownst to those, it means side dishes. I was hoping there would be seaweed, much to my disappointment. Side dishes are refillable by the way so go ahead and have a second round :)
It has been aeons since my last visit to Koreana. I presume the majority has been to Koreana, but what the heck I'll just go ahead with this post anywho :) The boyfriend who isn't exactly a fan of korean cuisine finally relented. Heh.

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