

I've got the blues.
Alot of pictures taken at Cameron, yet to blog about my weekened:x
Will update with that asap. I will deliver....Eventually.
But for now...Let's just say...
I am...
Hmmmmm.... depressed.
I assure you it ain't got nuts to do with pms. Hell no. Ever feel that your life suddenly just goes out of control?Your driving but the accelerator stops working and everyone just speeds ahead right past you without even looking back and by the time you make it to the finish line it's all too late. Everyone's a champion, a winner and your just standing there looking like an idiot taking in carbon monoxide next to your battered car. What the fcuk. Put youself in that situation where I stand and no doubt you'd feel damn shitty.
I mean what if Mr Christian Andersen made a huge mistake and the ugly duckling was in fact a duck instead of a cygnet awaiting a metamorphosis that will never happen. Trust it's life to be miserable. What an irony. A whole life wasted on thinking how great your going to be when the truth all along was that your just not as great. Argh. I feel like an ugly duckling. Period. To make matters worse it's MONDAY today. I hate Mondays. Hate hate hate. If I could plan my own calendar it'll only be just Thursdays ( We have two breaks on that day ), Fridays ( Start of the weekends ) , Saturdays and Sundays just because.
Excuse me while I vanish into oblivion for the next few days, will blog about happier more cheerful topics when I return.

Au Revior!

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