To satisfy my sudden craving for thai food, I headed to the very first place my heart and mind led me to. I've had thai food over at Bangkok Thai Seafood Restaurant for the longest time. Numerous birthdays, occasions where thai food was ever concerned, took place over at Bangkok Thai. I mean its been there way before Mango Tree, Carwash, you name it. But it was packed that night and after this dumbass waitress made me wait and told me to leave ( nearly caved in and threw a pineapple at her ) I was hungry and angry.
Very very bad combination. Look at tigers and lions and babies. When their hungry and angry. Hell breaks loose. Rhymes somemore so you know its serious. I mean don't tell me all those people had sudden cravings for thai food on the same night I was so desperate for it?It has got to be a joke. I felt like I was on Punk'd. But no. No Ashton Kucther, the place was still full, and no one looks like their about to leave anytime soon. I had to have thai food no matter what ( I'm pretty damn determine when it comes to food you see) So drove all the way down to BDC and found the place I was looking for. Pandan Thai Delight :) Always have a backup plan ya?
I'm so glad Bangkok Thai was full. Or else I would never be able to try the best pandan chicken! Thank you evil waitress who made me pissed and leave!
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