
Our Secret.

Met up with Leen at Sunway the night before she went back to Kuching for her two weeks of break. Yvonne and Cliffy were there too:) Took us quiet awhile to decide on a place to have dinner at. The second last choice was Manhattan Fish Market. The final choice was Secret Recipe. I haven't had any of their cakes for some time now. My favourites being : Chocolate Banana, White Choc Macadamia and their a la classique Blueberry Cheesecake.I l.o.v.e blueberry cheesecakes. However, being blueberry cheesecakeless I had their white choc macadamia instead. Leen and Vonne shared durian cakes. Which, fortunately is SEASONAL by the way.

I loathe durians. The taste and smell of it is simply revolting. That's just me. Mind you. I'm not discriminating anyone who loves durians. Most of the people I love are all durianaholics.I can tolerate the smell of it but I will never in my living sanity ever want to taste it. Growing up I'm was ok with it. But somehow after puberty, one weird way or another durians had a whole new effect on my digestive system. Figures. Anyways, have fun in Kuching my Fern :) Miss ya!

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