
Gravel Lines.

Ta-dah! For your viewing pleasure! Hope y'all love these pictures as much as I do :)

Fell in love with all these shots baby took while he was on his vacay over at Adelaide. He does take great pictures :) I missed him so on the trip though. Told him I wanted two things, Havaianas and lots and lots of pictures. He presented me with the latter. I'm pretty contented with my own pair sandals now anyways:) I see those question marks. Well, a picture is more than what you see. It takes your heart and your mind on an otherworldly journey, if you let it.

I think Adelaide's breathtaking.
I would like to go there. Someday:)

Listening to Amy Seeley's Gravel Lines (thus the title for this post ) and watching the sun set.
Amen to God for all things beautiful ;)

Love you Bie :)


anne said... AWESOME PICS. good job there :) love it!

sarahsays said...

I MISS YOU SO!!!!!!!Your pictures are way way nicer :) I still think your flickr is awesome!