
Baaaa...Where's my kidney?

Ta-dah!The interior of the kidney!You can see the cortex and medulla. And the renal pyramid.
Elaine and me in our lab coats and gloves. Jo said we look like ghost maidens.
The superior renal capsule of the goat's kidney. The beigish orange deposit by the side are solid lipids. They are hard to the touch. Not oily as pressumed due to refrigeration I suppose.
Had Biology Practical on Monday. I thought it was going to be something mundane yet again like determining surface areas or investigating photosynthesis rates. Surprise surprise. We were going to dissect goat kidneys instead!Hahaha I am laughing because most of everyone were complaining about how pungent the smell of blood was. I however was completely oblivious to the smell because of a flu :)

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